Volcker Alliance Statement on Racial Injustice

Justice is an essential component of the promise of America. In the view of the Volcker Alliance, the promises of our government have been a symbol of hope—hope that there is a country where the civil rights of all people will be protected equally. The horrific death of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands of police officers responsible for upholding America’s laws and protecting its people has sparked outrage. His death, and the killing of other black Americans before him, shows that America is not fulfilling its promise. Protests around the country demonstrate how crucial this moment is for our nation. The Volcker Alliance condemns racial injustice. We must find solutions to the systemic racism and deep-rooted inequities embedded in our society. During these chaotic and painful times, we must together find ways to ensure that government is responsive and delivers results for all people—fairly, equitably, and without bias or prejudice.