Biden-Harris Administration Launches President's Management Agenda

On Thursday, November 18, the Biden-Harris Administration released its first President’s Management Agenda (PMA). The PMA sets government-wide management priorities for all Federal agencies to improve operations and performance. It is a critical tool to ensure that government delivers on its promises to citizens and serves as a roadmap for both appointed and career public servants in implementing a President’s agenda.
The President’s Agenda defined three strategic priorities to pursue over several years: Strengthening and Empowering the Federal Workforce, Delivering Excellent, Equitable and Secure Federal Services and Customer Experience, and Managing the Business of Government to Build Back Better.
The Volcker Alliance is pleased to see that the first strategic priority focuses on empowering the federal workforce. Securing a public workforce with the experience, preparation, and commitment to ensure our government is accountable and delivers with excellence was the core of Chairman Volcker’s vision for this organization. He would be especially pleased to see special attention to new strategies to recruit the next generation into federal service.
The Alliance looks forward to supporting roll-out of the PMA and assisting in the development and implementation of activities that advance it.
Read the Office of Management and Budget’s full press release here.