Public Finance
The Volcker Alliance works to encourage and enable sound budgeting, transparent financing, and fiscal sustainability at all levels of government.

Truth and Integrity in Government Finance
The Truth and Integrity in Government Finance initiative is a multiyear study of state and local budgeting, financial reporting, and fiscal practices across the United States.

Special Briefing
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Fiscal Outlook of State and Local Governments.
A series of sixty-minute online conversations featuring experts from the Volcker Alliance’s national research network and Penn IUR, along with other leading academics, economists, and federal, state, and local leaders.

State and Local Budgeting in the COVID Era Issue Papers
The State and Local Budgeting in the COVID Era issue paper series builds on the work of previous research efforts to focus on the impact of the pandemic and resulting recession on states and localities; explore how budgeting policies of states prior to the pandemic have impacted how well they were able to handle the crisis; identify risks and opportunities within states that will contribute to their ability to successfully recover from the financial impacts of COVID-19; and make recommendations for policy improvements that will contribute to the fiscal sustainability of states.

Richard Ravitch Public Finance Initiative
The Richard Ravitch Public Finance Initiative seeks to catalyze federal action to improve state and local budget practices that present looming risks to the federal system and economy.

Deferred Infrastructure Maintenance Project
The Volcker Alliance and the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota (UMN), with support from the Pew Charitable Trusts, are partnering to help states quantify infrastructure maintenance gaps and improve practices to close these funding gaps.