The Volcker Alliance's Government-to-University Initiative Continues to Grow

The Volcker Alliance

CONTACT: Neilia Stephens, Director of Communications
[email protected]


The Government-to-University Initiative expands to Chicago and North Carolina

NEW YORK, NY (August 18, 2020) – Following the successful launch of the first three Government-to-University (G2U) networks in Kansas City, Los Angeles, and Pittsburgh, the Volcker Alliance’s G2U Initiative is expanding to Chicago and North Carolina. The G2U Initiative is a growing group of vibrant, regional networks connecting local, state, and federal government leaders with key faculty and administrators from surrounding colleges and universities. G2U demonstrates that bringing government and university leaders together is a powerful way to sustainably connect governments’ hiring and research needs with local university capacity.

“The expansion of G2U to Chicago and North Carolina will provide for collaboration and learning across the G2U network at a time when universities, governments, and the job market are undergoing massive transformations due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Thomas W. Ross, president of the Volcker Alliance. “The enthusiasm from partners in government, universities, and the civic sector in regions across the country illustrates the promise and power of G2U collaborations in reshaping the future of government.”

In Chicago, the G2U Regional Council will be led by the Government College Relations Council (GCRC). Founded in Chicago in 1968, GCRC is a professional association that supports working relationships between representatives from colleges and universities and from federal, state, county, and local governments.

“At GCRC, our mission is to ensure that students in the Chicago area who are thinking about public service know about all the potential opportunities that a career in government holds. Joining the G2U network will strengthen what we have been working towards at GCRC for the last fifty years,” said Jaime Velasquez, president of GCRC and associate director of employer relations in career services at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

In North Carolina, the Volcker Alliance is partnering with the Office of Strategic Partnerships (OSP) within the Governor’s Office/Office of State Budget and Management. OSP increases and enhances partnerships between state government and North Carolina’s research institutions and philanthropic sector. This includes increasing state government’s internal capacity for using evidence in policy and programs. OSP helps to develop and lead partnerships on priority issues such as broadband access and reentry of formerly incarcerated people. Particularly relevant to G2U is its initiative to strengthen the talent pipeline linking college and university graduates with career opportunities in state government.

“We are excited to join the G2U network and have already seen how our focus on strengthening the talent pipeline to state government aligns with the work of other G2U sites. We look forward to sharing our partnership strategies that are yielding benefits for North Carolina and learning from the approaches of other network members,” said Jenni Owen, director of strategic partnerships for the State of North Carolina.

The first G2U regional network, led by the Mid-America Regional Council in Kansas City, was launched in March 2019. The second two, led by the Southern California Association of Governments in Los Angeles and by Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy and the Metro21: Smart Cities Institute in Pittsburgh,  launched in February 2020.

The Volcker Alliance will continue to build connections and share lessons across G2U regions in the months ahead. Those interested in launching G2U networks in their area can email [email protected] to learn more.

The Volcker Alliance advances effective management of government to achieve results that matter to citizens. The nonprofit, nonpartisan organization is inspired by the legendary public service of our founder, Paul A. Volcker, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, and his vision of a public sector workforce with the experience, preparation, and commitment to ensure that government is accountable and delivers with excellence. Visit to learn more. Follow us on social media @VolckerAlliance and subscribe to the Volcker Alliance newsletter for the latest news and developments. The Volcker Alliance is a 501(c)(3) organization.

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