Volcker Alliance Partnership Releases Joint Agenda to Strengthen the Senior Executive Service

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 6, 2018
WASHINGTON – The Partnership for Public Service, the Volcker Alliance and the Senior Executives Association, a trio of organizations dedicated to strengthening our government’s leadership capabilities, have come together to advance a joint Senior Executive Service policy agenda. The agenda offers a set of solutions designed to strengthen the SES through actions by both Congress and individual federal agencies, including the Office of Personnel Management and the Office of Management and Budget.
Partnership for Public Service President and CEO Max Stier released the following statement regarding this agenda.
“The dedicated, mission-driven members of the Senior Executive Service are critical to the effective operation of our government. They are responsible for leading the federal workforce, supporting the administration’s political appointees and have a hand in implementing nearly all the government’s policies and programs. Our organizations urge the administration and Congress to make the SES a top priority as they consider changes to the broader civil service system,” said Stier.
Stier said the agenda falls into three primary areas: setting executives up for success, improving senior-level talent management and strengthening the link between political and career leadership.
“One of the greatest opportunities to make a real impact on the way our government performs is by strengthening government’s leadership corps.” said Stier. “From strengthening executive onboarding and creating a separate promotional track for individuals with technical expertise to providing more developmental opportunities, investments in senior executives will make government work more effectively. The right leaders set the tone for the rest of their workforce – motivating their employees, promoting innovation and driving results. Just the opposite happens when leaders are poorly equipped and the American people pay the price.”
During the past 17 years, the Partnership for Public Service has been dedicated to making the federal government more effective for the American people. We work across administrations to help transform the way government operates by increasing collaboration, accountability, efficiency and innovation. Visit ourpublicservice.org to learn more.
The Volcker Alliance advances effective management of government to achieve results that matter to citizens. The nonpartisan Alliance works toward that objective by partnering with other organizations—academic, business, governmental, and public interest—to strengthen professional education for public service, conduct needed research on government performance, and improve the efficiency and accountability of governmental organization at the federal, state, and local levels. Visit volckeralliance.org to learn more. The Volcker Alliance is a 501(c)(3) organization.
The Senior Executives Association (SEA) is a professional association representing Senior Executive Service members and other career Federal executives. Founded in 1980, SEA’s goals are to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity of the Federal government; to advance the professionalism and advocate the interests of career Federal executives; and to enhance public recognition of their contributions. For more information, visit www.seniorexecs.org.