Tribute to William H. Donaldson (1931-2024), Director Emeritus of the Volcker Alliance

The Volcker Alliance Board of Directors and team were deeply saddened by the news of Bill Donaldson’s passing on June 17, 2024. Donaldson was a founding member of the Volcker Alliance board by Mr. Volcker’s appointment and served on the board until his resignation in 2021.

Donaldson’s career spanned the business, academic, and nonprofit sectors but was marked by a steadfast dedication to public service. During his career, he served as the twenty-seventh chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Under Secretary of State for International Security Affairs to Henry Kissinger, and counsel to Vice President Nelson Rockefeller.

He was also a member of the FDIC Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee, chairman and chief executive of the New York Stock Exchange; chairman, president and chief executive of Aetna Inc.; the co-founder, chairman and chief executive of Donaldson Lufkin and Jenrette (DLJ); and co-founder of DLJ former subsidiary Alliance Capital Management. Later in life, Donaldson served as chairman of Donaldson Enterprises and chairman of Financial Services Volunteer Corps (FSVC).

Donaldson served on the boards of many philanthropic, arts, and educational institutions, including the Ford Foundation, Lincoln Center for Performing Arts, the Aspen Institute, and his alma mater Yale University, where he was founding dean and tenured professor of management at the Yale Graduate School of Management.

“Bill Donaldson applied his considerable entrepreneurial talents to bridge the gap between business and government and help Mr. Volcker in his mission to uplift the public sector and its millions of employees,” said Sara Mogulescu, president of the Volcker Alliance.

The full obituary for Bill Donaldson can be found here.