Remembering Our Founder, Paul A. Volcker

December 8, 2020, marks the first anniversary of Paul A. Volcker’s passing. Mr. Volcker, the founding chairman of the Volcker Alliance and former chairman of the Federal Reserve, was a giant among American public servants. He personified public service values. Mr. Volcker was committed to overcoming political differences and finding the most effective solutions to the challenges facing our nation, even when the right path forward was not the most popular one. He believed in the power and potential of government to make a difference in people’s lives. He believed that excellent government depends on excellent public servants.
In 2013, Mr. Volcker founded the Volcker Alliance, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing his vision of a public sector workforce with the experience, preparation, and commitment to ensure government is accountable and delivers with excellence. The Alliance supports current and aspiring public servants by building partnerships with government and universities, promoting innovation in public service education, driving research on effective government, and inspiring others with the story of Mr. Volcker’s commitment to public service. Our mission is to empower the public sector workforce to solve the challenges facing our nation.
Though this year has been one of the most challenging and unpredictable our country has faced, it has undoubtedly reinforced and highlighted the imperative of the mission that Mr. Volcker laid out for us at the Volcker Alliance. We feel motivated by Mr. Volcker’s legacy each day to continue to do our best to support our public servants. On the anniversary of his death, we pause to remember Mr. Volcker, and we reflect on the inspiration of his public service and his vision for the Volcker Alliance.