Higher Performing Government: Progress Made, Problems Encountered, Opportunities & Challenges

Shelley H. Metzenbaum

Volcker Alliance nonresident senior fellow Shelley Metzenbaum delivered remarks on April 6 to the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments on using goals, measurement, analysis, evaluations and other kinds of occasional studies, data-rich discussions, and well structured incentives to deliver more effective, efficient, fair, understandable, and trusted government. Download the full speech below.

An excerpt from the speech:

"The challenge we all face is helping people across government understand how to execute these practices successfully. Today, I want to reflect on where we are and where to go from here. I also want to invite your reflections because so many of you, both as individuals and as local governments, have long been pioneers in public sector performance management. Your pioneering leadership continues today. I know, for example, that several of your communities participate in Mid-Atlantic StatNet, a promising consortium of committed government performance management leaders who recently started coming together regularly to benchmark, sharing data to find ways to improve."